Had a really cool experience this week, was tagging along a UK film crew as a volunteer make-up artist. Three firsts: first time doing nothing but make-up related to the film, it was in a new campus near my house, i didn't touch my camera for four days. that last point was a little shocking really. i thought i would end up bringing my camera to set, but i didn't! oh wow. the film is called "Acceptance" and it was really fun to be on set with the crew. i love the feel of this set, because everyone was volunteering, nobody complained. we all enjoyed ourselves tremendously, and we treated each other like family in the time we were "stuck" together. in other sets where i shoot behind-the-scene stills, everyone thought of it as work, no one was willing to do overtime, and people were scowling. this set actually made me feel sad the filming was done.
and that's all this week. feeling a little evil, so i'm planning to write the perfect murder MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
I cannot help but marvel at God's plan for my life sometimes. It been really busy lately, but taking a step back to admire my place now, it's really amazing. i mean, come on, a media representative, freelance photographer and polytechnic student? The student part goes without saying, just that it's still really exciting and cool. Freelancing was a really wide blow - i would never have saw myself doing this in secondary school. Lastly, media representative? Whoooooo i say. the irresistible, unforgettable, incomparable feeling when you walk to a public personality and interview them. not leaving out that giddy head rush of excitement of media events and privileges, unlimited access everywhere and the look on some PR's face when they learn you're only 18. i will never get used to the feeling of anticipation and challenge when you introduce yourself, make your impression, grab your pass and juggle the event coverage.
i will never tire of it, only growing more experienced and better at handling my excitement, that's all.
i think that's all i have to gush about my work now. got a few programs ongoing, and the experience is so unnerving, that i have to get it out of my system somehow.
MOVING ON~found this
A W E S O M E fan fiction about Bones, called
The When and the How: A Bone to Pick. it's on FanFiction.Net and there are lots of other great writer too. Her particular story stood out for me in a way that it closely followed the story-line, but had a distinct difference in the way the characters were portrayed. throughout the series the characters were fleshed out more emotionally than on television, and the author incorporated a huge part of her personality into the story telling. i also loved the way she put a crime story in all that love-making, and how she tries as hard as possible to get the science correct. mad props for her "Boothy" descriptions though; can almost imagine her channeling her husband into that sexy agent.
thinking back on all the characters in Bones, i guess my sister is right. I've always admired Brennan herself for her ability to detach and focus, but what i really am is a Hodgins on the inside. oh let us count the ways: 1) I'm an entomology enthusiast, or maybe more on an arachnology fever since high school. 2) I'm studying molecular biotechnology, and practically what Hodgins does on the show, i do in my lab. (minus the crime-busting bit.) 3) I'm a bubbly person, and i can't wait to show my knowledge off (to a fault i guess). if my lab were as awesome, i would want to be king/queen of it too.
i guess that's enough gushing about the show for a while, gotta go back to my photo-editing, but here's a small piece in memory of the bravest, strongest person i have known that death has claimed. Life isn't always as kind to us as we would like it to be. it's a little messy, but it's really just out there for myself.
It was quick, painless, and the boy was dead before he knew it.
the car had skidded on the wet tarmac and hit the sidewalk, snuffing out a life with the crunch of metal against concrete.
looking back on that day, he did not have the slightest inkling of how short his life was. He would not have grumbled about waking up that one hour earlier, would not have scowled the morning through, and most certainly would not have saved up lunch money for that latest game.
then again, if we knew these things, life would not hold the same precious quality as it does now. that elimination of breath caused no grief to those already oblivious to the living, but the living had to mourn their dead.
the living mourn, because sorrow and pain need to be dealt with, before it sprouted resentment and anger at life itself. it was a necessary survival instinct, one that manifests most prominently. each death takes away a little of bit of your soul.
Sometimes, God steals the best of us home to keep him company, because even God gets lonely too.